pbjelly has been getting to the Root

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Re: pbjelly has been getting to the Root

Post by Sam »

Gailon Arthur Joy wrote:Tut, tut, Tut!!!

Fair and balanced would have required that you post my response to the clearly factually challenged PBJelly.

In fact, both Presidents know me all too well. Although Elder T has never yet been a subject of my reporting
activity, he was the beneficiary of an investigation we did. We found the alleged incidents reported by a few
non SDA members were malicious lies and we then set out to determine what their purpose was. In fact, one
had posted some very serious allegations at Black SDA. Our tracking of ISP consistently lead to a single individual.
We prepared a report and let the victims and Elder T know. They opted to file a criminal complaint and the attacker
admitted he was the sole source. A hearing was scheduled and the malicious attacker did not appear. The last I
heard, he had fled to his home country. That all happened within this calendar year. Would be a very faint memory
that did not recall the report and Elder T even wrote an exoneration letter for the victims.

Now, Elder King has been the subject of reports relating to his mishandling of the AUC debacle. He could not forget
the various reports we issued and the warnings to Officers, directors, conference officials and then even to constituents regarding clear maladministration. THe local newspaper picked up the story based on the documents we exposed and gave the AUC administration the headlines it deserved.

Regarding the premise that writing FHA loans to help victims of predatory loans from Option One and Ameriquest lending practices was a violation of Mass Revised Statutes, (Known as Mass General Laws) well I guess I am in the same camp with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac except their executives will get much bigger severance packages when the Government takes them over to prevent default. Wonder if I can get a bailout package like that???

I know the truth really hurts at 3ABN these days, but is fair and balanced dead here at 3Atalk.com as well?

Gailon Arthur Joy
So you are saying they lied when contacted about you?

Guess Jim G did too when I ask him about you and he said he had never heard of you until 3abn.
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Re: pbjelly has been getting to the Root

Post by steffan »

Gailon Arthur Joy wrote: You know, that is just horrifying!!! Making a modest profit helping people get away from 9.9% to 11.99% Adjustable Rate Mortgages on predatory loans done with $15,000 to $20,000 in closing costs from Ameriquest and Option One and reducing their rates down to 5-6% on Fixed Rate 30 year FHA loans!!! Clearly a souless effort!!!
Ah, pickledjoy, if only I could believe you. Let's see - debt collector in Vermont. Embezzled money. Now - big-hearted benefactor of all those poor people who only have to pay you some money to get a better mortgage! So hard to believe that this hyena can change its spots!
Gailon Arthur Joy wrote: That would be saving victims of predatory lending HUNDREDS of dollars a month and take them away form ruthless lenders that spun them two and three time annually to give more money and depleting equity or reduce their own rates or simply to make money on another round of closing costs . ANd then we actually were sending them off to lawyers to litigate the predatory lending losses pursuant to MASS GL 93A with the evidence we accumulated and wrote documented accessments to support violations of HOEPA, TILA, Lending Fraud and High cost lending violations. Yup, just souless!!!
You are so overflowing with soul, that I am going to ask you for proof. You see, none of your grandiose pronouncements about your generous nature make sense. The very nature of your nature points in the exact opposite direction of "generous."

pickledjoy would have done this till the cows came home if it weren't for a pesky little law that said for profit rescue lenders must shut down. You do know that non profit lenders were not shut down?

http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=cagopressre ... &csid=Cago
As part of her multi-faceted plan to address the foreclosure rescue crisis in Massachusetts, Attorney General Coakley also issued final regulations on September 1 that ban unfair and deceptive foreclosure rescue schemes. That regulation was first issued as an emergency regulation on June 1. The regulation prohibits predatory, for-profit foreclosure rescue transactions. Foreclosure rescue transactions between family members or arranged by a non-profit community or housing organization are not banned under this regulation.
Also, see http://creativerealestateedu.blogspot.c ... ation.html
Gailon Arthur Joy wrote: Yup, I should have never done that Steffan...instead I should have been litigating with 3ABN!!! And maybe you too!!!
Oh boy, did you try to get money out of 3ABN! I wonder who thought of sending the IRS to investigate 3ABN? Were you hoping to get a "finder's fee" there? Or how about when you wrote to your notable attorney "friend" asking him to recommend/assist in suing a big ministry with "very large potential damages" ? Surely not the upright pickledjoy, could it be? Observing your activities over the past 2 years convinced me that you are indeed your worst enemy.

--edited to correct quotes and spelling
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Gailon Arthur Joy in legal trouble?

Post by steffan »

I've made every effort to verify that this is the same person and it looks like it.

So finally, the chickens are coming home to roost? Was this the same "champion" of the poor, oppressed foreclosure victims? At least now we know how he could live without a job...

I guess he just can't stop embezzling...

http://www.mass.gov/ago/news-and-update ... re-pi.html
BOSTON – A group of businesses that advertised themselves as non-profit foreclosure prevention organizations was sued for allegedly soliciting and spending more than $350,000 in illegal advance fees from distressed homeowners, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced today.

“We allege these defendants targeted and took money from homeowners facing foreclosure, promising to help them stay in their homes, but instead used that money for personal expenses,” AG Coakley said. “Through our HomeCorps program, our office has obtained direct relief and free services for homeowners, and we will continue our efforts to combat deceptive foreclosure rescue schemes that take advantage of struggling borrowers.”

Suffolk Superior Court Judge Frances McIntyre granted a preliminary injunction Thursday against the defendants, preventing them from soliciting or advertising for any foreclosure-related services or improperly charging advance fees.

The complaint, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, alleges that since 2009 a group of five individuals operated a series of organizations claiming to offer financial and legal services, including foreclosure-related services, to distressed homeowners in Massachusetts. Those named in the lawsuit include the Alliance for Affordable Housing (AFAH) and the Global Advocates Foundation Inc., both located in Everett as well as the Alliance for Hope Network, Inc., in Framingham. Individual defendants include Obeilson Roosevelt Matos of Framingham, Gailon Arthur Joy of Boylston, Pricila Trancoso Silva of Revere, John Charles Schumacher of Lancaster, and Paula Carvalho of Framingham.

The defendants allegedly portrayed themselves as tax-exempt, non-profit organizations, but operated like for-profit businesses, seeking financial gain for their officers and directors. The complaint also alleges that the defendants, who are not attorneys or law firms, engaged in the unauthorized practice of law.

According to the complaint, the defendants required homeowners to give deposits of up to 25 percent of their gross monthly incomes, claiming the deposits were necessary to be eligible for federal and other mortgage relief programs. The complaint alleges that between March 2010 and October 2012, the defendants collected and spent more than $350,000 in deposits that they received from homeowners and claimed would be placed in escrow for the homeowners to use to help mitigate their pending foreclosure. The complaint alleges, however, that the defendants never properly accounted for the use of the funds and allegedly used the funds for personal expenses including residential housing costs, car insurance fees, car repairs and vehicle excise payments.

In 2007, the AG’s Office issued regulations that prohibit soliciting or accepting an advance fee in connection with foreclosure-related services, or advertising services without disclosing exactly what is offered to avoid foreclosure, among other unfair practices.

If you are facing foreclosure, or the foreclosure has already occurred, the Attorney General’s HomeCorps may be able to help by offering access to a variety of foreclosure prevention or recovery services. Contact the HomeCorps Hotline at 617-573-5333.

This case is being handled by Assistant Attorneys General Mychii Snape, Colleen Nevin, and Gillian Feiner, and paralegal Krista Roche, of AG Coakley’s Consumer Protection Division, with assistance from Investigators William Mackay and Jody Quartarone of the Civil Investigations Division.
http://www.telegram.com/article/2013101 ... 10169904/0
BOSTON — Two Central Massachusetts men are among five individuals being sued by Attorney General Martha Coakley for allegedly misspending more than $350,000 in advance payments from homeowners seeking help to avoid home foreclosures.

The state has alleged in a suit filed in Suffolk Superior Court that since 2009 the five individuals ran organizations claiming to provide financial and legal services, including foreclosure related services to distressed homeowners, but instead spending clients' fees on personal expenses.

The entities named in the suit are the Alliance for Affordable Housing and the Global Advocates Foundation Inc., both located in Everett, and the Alliance for Hope Network Inc. in Framingham. Individual defendants include Gailon Arthur Joy of Boylston, John Charles Schumacher of Lancaster, Paula Carvalho of Framingham, Obeilson Roosevelt Matos of Framingham and Pricila Trancoso Silva of Revere.

Judge Frances McIntyre granted a preliminary injunction Thursday against the defendants, to prevent them from soliciting or advertising for any foreclosure-related services or improperly charging advance fees.

Ms. Coakley alleged that the defendants portrayed themselves as tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations, but operated like for-profit businesses, seeking financial gain for their officers and directors. The complaint also alleges that the defendants, who are not attorneys or law firms, engaged in the unauthorized practice of law.

According to the complaint, the individuals required homeowners to give deposits of up to 25 percent of their gross monthly incomes, claiming the deposits were necessary to be eligible for federal and other mortgage relief programs. Between March 2010 and October 2012, the defendants allegedly collected and spent more than $350,000 in deposits that they received from homeowners and which they had said would be placed in escrow for the homeowners to use to help mitigate their pending foreclosure.

The complaint alleges, however, that the defendants never properly accounted for the use of the funds and allegedly used the money for personal expenses, including housing costs, car insurance fees, car repairs and vehicle excise payments.

"We allege these defendants targeted and took money from homeowners facing foreclosure, promising to help them stay in their homes, but instead used that money for personal expenses," Ms. Coakley said in a statement.

State regulations prohibit soliciting or accepting an advance fee in connection with foreclosure-related services, or advertising services without disclosing exactly what is offered to avoid foreclosure, among other unfair practices.
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GAJ and Alliance for Hope

Post by steffan »

Quoted from press link above
Those named in the lawsuit include the Alliance for Affordable Housing (AFAH) and the Global Advocates Foundation Inc., both located in Everett as well as the Alliance for Hope Network, Inc., in Framingham.
And the link to the facebook page where he is the VP.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alliance ... 3833715100

Screengrabs (because these pages "disappear") - click on the pictures to expand to a larger size :
And the original embezzlement case - click on the link to read the pdf document :
(366.82 KiB) Downloaded 4186 times
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Re: pbjelly has been getting to the Root

Post by Stan »

Over the years, I have found those who can think they pick out financial sin, are experienced enough at it. The Same with sexual sins.
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Re: pbjelly has been getting to the Root

Post by Truth »

Stan, sometimes that can be very true.

What I'm wondering is why we are not hearing anything on Bob Pickle's forum? Surely they've known about this for a long time as the Attorney Generals lawsuit happened the middle of October, 2013. I think Gailon Arthur Joy is in a heap o' hot water and no doubt will lose this lawsuit. Then let the prosecuting attorney hear about this...well--$350,000 is a lot of money to steal. What is even worse is that it looks like he took advantage of those who were about to lose their homes--with the pretense that he was helping them, all the while paying for his own personal expenses with their money. That is pretty LOW in my book.

Steffan, please keep us enlightened on what's happening in this case. Obviously Bob isn't too anxious to let anyone know about it.
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Re: pbjelly has been getting to the Root

Post by Truth »

So Bob "thinks" he heard about this last week? or maybe it was the week before?...are you sure Bob? You have such a poor memory. Maybe you heard about it two months ago right? You know how fast time goes by!!

And you think Gailon was trying to "rectify" the problem. Sure thing Bob, the Attorney General just couldn't see that!! Attorney Generals are usually wrong when they hand out lawsuits huh? So reckless of them. :roll:

Folks, I think it is time for Pickle to put on his glasses. :ugeek:

And as my mother used to say "It takes one to know one" and "water seeks its own level." ;)
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Pickle's faint attempts at spinning this.

Post by steffan »

At [NOT]adventtalk, Pickle says
The "other site" has drawn attention to a lawsuit in Massachusetts filed by the Attorney General against several non-profits and five individuals. I can't say that I know all that much about it, having just discovered the same, I think last week.
Really? You, who seems to be so aware of every little "sin" in the Adventist world, did not know your buddy was in legal trouble? Till last week?????
What I can say is that Gailon quite some time back told me about some financial irregularities perpetrated by someone connected with one of these non-profits, and about the lengths he took to try to rectify the matter. I think that person is one of the ones who got sued.
And there you go, you were told QUITE SOME TIME BACK about this and now you claim that you know about it LAST week?
It seems puzzling that the Attorney General would sue Gailon over the matter if he was trying to rectify the irregularities.
Nothing puzzling about it. Someone misuses money, the AG sues. Gailon's history with money seems quite clear - embezzle, then claim to never have had the intent to do it.
Another thing that seems puzzling is why the Attorney General would accuse the parties of practicing law without a license given how many times Gailon told me about lawyers they were hiring and using. While we haven't conversed all that much in recent times, we conversed quite a bit up through 2011, the year we appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. There were many times that he told me about this lawyer or that lawyer, or spoke of the law firm he was working with.
In 2011, you knew he was "talking" to lawyers, and hiring them. So YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME

As usual, PickledJoy show their lying tendencies and decetifulness.
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Re: pbjelly has been getting to the Root

Post by Truth »

Massachusetts Attorney General and gubernatorial hopeful Martha Coakley is taking a slew of thieves to court who posed as non-profit foreclosure prevention organizations and preyed on troubled homeowners on the verge of losing their abodes. The group allegedly spent upwards of $350,000 in illegal advance fees on personal expenses and has done so since 2009.

The defendants -- identified by Coakley's office as Obeilson Roosevelt Matos of Framingham, Gailon Arthur Joy of Boylston, Pricila Trancoso Silva of Revere, John Charles Schumacher of Lancaster, and Paula Carvalho of Framingham -- took advantage of those facing foreclosure under the guise of "Alliance for Affordable Housing (AFAH) and the Global Advocates Foundation Inc., both located in Everett as well as the Alliance for Hope Network, Inc., in Framingham," according to the press release.

Coakley said of the matter in a statement, "Through our HomeCorps program, our office has obtained direct relief and free services for homeowners, and we will continue our efforts to combat deceptive foreclosure rescue schemes that take advantage of struggling borrowers."

Interestingly, such a quandary also has municipal relevance as a question was posed in last night's Boston mayoral debate of which both candidates were asked how they would promote better behavior between lenders and borrowers. City Councilor John Connolly vowed to work with the District Attorney and Attorney General (who may be Coakley if her Governor's bid doesn't come into fruition) to hawk on predatory lenders like the aforementioned accused.

In more aggressive fashion, State Rep. Marty Walsh promised to use the bully pulpit of the mayor's office to make banks talk to borrowers who are in dire straits, which may subsequently weed out faux lenders.

The Attorney General's office enacted 940 CMR 25.00, a set of regulations "that prohibit soliciting or accepting an advance fee in connection with foreclosure-related services, or advertising services without disclosing exactly what is offered to avoid foreclosure, among other unfair practices."

The AG's office also wants to make it abundantly clear that anyone facing foreclosure or have been foreclosed on may receive help from the HomeCorps program which offers a collection of prevention and recovery services.

http://bostinno.streetwise.co/2013/10/1 ... re-groups/
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