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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:58 am America/Denver
by Truth
Just as Penn State immediately fired the people caught in their sin, so did 3ABN immediately fire Linda Shelton--with plenty of evidence that she was caught in her sin. She even flaunted it in Danny's face that she loved another man and was sleeping with him. The details are too lurid to print here but I will say what Linda did was just plain sickening and disgusting. Something a good woman would never even think to do to her husband.

The problem was that she wanted to still be seen as the virtuous christian woman on 3ABN TV while living all the time excited about meeting her lover at motels or talking long hours over the phone with him. Danny had a HUGE amount of evidence on Linda--enough that the whole Board fired her and over a year later approved of his marriage to Brandy. The Board is made up of successful Christian businessmen, preachers and SDA leaders. They had ample evidence to know Danny had Biblical grounds to marry again.

Pickle and his sleazy group over on AT think they know everything but all they have for evidence is someone's "opinion" or "thoughts." NO evidence that would be accepted in court. Even their financial allegations were brought to a halt with the IRS investigation because the IRS found NOTHING out of place at all. 3ABN was totally cleared of any charges. That's what Pickle and Fran and whoever else turned them in to the IRS deserve for causing this to happen. The IRS and the FBI needs to investigate Pickle for accepting known-laundered money in the form of "donations" and for turning in 3ABN to the IRS simply for REVENGE. Doing that is against the law.

Now they think one of the hundreds of cousins/2nd cousins the Sheltons have supposedly had an affair with Tammy Chance. ANOTHER BIG LIE FROM LINDA. Those sleazy people on AT think they can talk about it but notice they present no evidence. TAMMY CHANCE SAID HERSELF THIS IS A BIG LIE. It's easy to shout out all kinds of disgusting allegations but TRY PROVING THEM - NOPE they can't. They just hope to sling dirt on innocent women and children and hope people will believe them. To me this shows the gross "character" of those who write on AT. They are nothing but gossips--the kind who somehow get their kicks from slinging mud at people's reputations. The kind who enjoy hurting innocent children's reputations. The same kind who enjoy hurting innocent animals needlessly.

Then they exclaim those they accuse need to present their evidence. Huh? Are you nuts? YOU MADE THE ACCUSATIONS--YOU PRESENT YOUR EVIDENCE. Anyone with half an education can see through this one. Folks--don't believe what they say on AT unless they can give documented evidence.

Just to make it clear: I write for myself and not for 3ABN here.