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Time for the second string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:02 pm America/Denver
by proffaberf451
Well, well, well . . . it looks as if the mighty, never lose, dream team of John Manly and Jeff Anderson realized there was no case to be had. If they truly were as billed, then it's obvious they cut bait and ran when they saw the facts of the "case" Alex was claiming existed.

So we are on to the second squad. How long before they, too, realize they've been punked by Alex, et. al?

Re: Time for the second string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:18 pm America/Denver
by proffaberf451
Not to mention there is no, none, nilch, nada, evidence of a suit being filed in Benton, Illinois (as claimed by Adam) or Franklin County against 3ABN, Danny Shelton, or anyone associated with the ministry. We'll have to wait and see how Adam spins his latest cry of wolf.

Re: Time for the second string

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:19 am America/Denver
by Truth
Prof, I'm sure you've noticed how little information is given from Adam on AT (or is it really Alex?) in his short answers. As few words as possible. But just enough to "lead them on" --to dangle that carrot in front of their noses.

Artiste asked a question and Adam skirted it quite skillfully. She didn't seem to catch it.

It seems to me that both Adam and Alex are enjoying all this--being the only ones with information, with all the rest, including Pickle and Joy, all very anxious to know what is happening with the civil suit. And Adam saying as few words as possible, never really answering their questions. Why would Adam want to be so vague? Maybe he likes the power-rush he gets from leading them all around the mulberry bush.

Re: Time for the second string

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:37 pm America/Denver
by proffaberf451
Avoiding answering questions is their MO. The newbies have grown adept at it, very quickly. It is interesting that Robert Pickle has yet to answer a direct question put to him, with a direct answer since making his appearance back in '06. But, when you are being paid to lie, why bother.

Adam and Alex have little knowledge of the legal process. For instance, a week or so ago Adam mentioned the timing of a hearing and it's proximity to the start of 3ABN campmeeting and credited the attorneys with planning that - attorney's do not select court dates, that is a function of the court commissioners and judges. Attorneys are at the mercy of the court scheduling system, so the date was a mere coincidence. Thus, I doubt much of what emanates from Adam has much basis in fact.

Re: Time for the second string

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:23 pm America/Denver
by Lilly
Gailon, why do you talk with such arrogance about round two coming up? You and Bob are the only two people who have followed this law suit with 3ABN and think you have won. Can you show us anything from the court records from day one where you have won anything that amounted to anything with Duffy and or Simpson? The answer is no!

You have totally lost everytime you have gone to court. Hasn't it occurred to you that you may be the only people who have been in court for years and never won any rounds whatsoever!

You and Bob are worse than any ordinary laymen because at least they realize when they are whipped! Let me give you an example. You lost in the court to dismiss the court case with 3ABN. You continued to talk big for nearly three years, meanwhile losing every appeal. This case is over and you two are the only ones in the world who seem to believe that you can still win! This is utter nonsense. This last move with Simpson shows how ate up with hatred you are for those involved with 3ABN. If either of you ever had any balance in judgement before this case, it is obvious that there is no balance, judgement or common sense left.

Look what this has done to Bob's family and church family relationships. He has put his hatred for 3ABN above his family. Sadly these results will last a lifetime. Gailon had boo coo family troubles before he came into this situation. Pride will eat away at the foundations of a happy home.

How many souls have either of you guys helped lead to the Lord in the last several years since you made it your lifes' work to lose every step of the way.
In your defense, there was never any chance that your dreams would come true. 3ABN is God's channel of blessing. Reports come in from around the world everyday of people who have given their lives to Christ because of the message being taught.

Did you guys really think you could fight against God and win? No one ever has and no one ever will.

Gailon Joy, Bob Pickle, Linda, Arild, Johnann or any of your little group will never take over 3ABN. After all, you really thought you could pull this off, didn't you?
3ABN has a great Board who is commited to getting the undiluted 3 Angels messages to the world and God is blessing abundantly. With all you've tried to do 3ABN continues to grow and it's outreach and influence is spreading around the world.

It's sad you call yourselves SDA's and are puppets for your little internet group who are either non SDA, unhappy SDA's with an ax to grind,
or not even Christian.. period.

Think about it. Of all the ministries on earth which one does Satan hate the most? For over 25 years 3ABN has been giving an end times message to the world. You cannot stop it nor decide who is in leadership...that is God's job. It's been seven years since the divorce of DS and LS.

Johann and Aril A. are dilusional when they talk about all this swirl of support for Linda...She is dilussional when she comes on the internet and says something like.. "Let's take a vote" concerning her taking over 3ABN. Does she really think after seven years that the cry from the pews as Gailon likes to call it..will be so loud that all the 3ABN board members will be stepping down and turning 3ABN over to you all.... You people are under such deception that it is terrible.. The fact that she is allowed to talk in churches every once in a while means what??? DS cannot keep up with all the requests from around the world church every Sabbath....

Haven't you all noticed DS and others from 3ABN interviewing Elder Ted Wilson, GC President and Dan Jackson, North American Division President and a host of other top GC leaders? Have you read the letter from Elder Wilson to the world leaders about giving their support to 3ABN?? Have you seen the list of 3ABN's Pillars campmeeting speakers...the best of the best in the SDA church!

I'm amazed that you two guys can live in total denial as you do!

God is moving to finish His work. He is coming ready or not. It's my prayer and those against 3ABN and all the haters of truth will become lovers of truth and turn their attention of doing what God commissioned us to do..and that is to go into all the world to help finish the work on this earth so that Jesus can come back to redeem His children!