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Gailon still...

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:20 pm America/Denver
by steffan
gas-bagging away. I'm surprised the stench from his emissions don't blind him.

A sampling or two
documents submitted to governmental enetities under penalty and pain of perjury should be the true and correct "official" documents, right? Or wrong? But, then, what is a little perjury at 3ABN???
This, coming from the perjurer (and embezzler) whose lies/perjury have been documented in great detail. (Or did he forget that he said he was "separated" and "living apart" from his wife in the documents he submitted?
I think I will still take my chances on the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals...and then a jury of my peers.
Again, coming from the man who didn't even bother contesting the last one he was supposed to show up at.
A jury of his peers? Where does one find the kind.... that would be his peers? Other than Pickle, Snoopy, Sister...hmm...maybe he does have peers.
let us hope that the Lord has an end game that preserves this ministry for a more worthy administration and to fulfill it's highest and best purposes.
Yes, it's called counteracting Gailon and Pickle. It's called vindication by the IRS, and renewed donation levels, and the unmasking of the evil ones who would try to bring down 3ABN.
HERE,HERE, but even the Lord God has His limits
And of course, Gailon will tell Him when it is?
Besides, we now have a second appeal and the Appellate court has clearly taken notice.
Yes. And it doesn't look too good for Gailon, whose only talent seems to be to emit gas.

Re: Gailon still...

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:56 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
ummm... little irritated and frustrated, Steffan?

I can understand that as I am myself, and I actually agree with your sentiments,and reasons, altho not with your chosen wording of them here... Will 50 lashes with a wet noodle help all to remember our rules here? (the beatings will continue until moral improves) ;)

I myself when reading Joy's post accusing 3abn of perjury because a couple of financial and business filings with agencies did not have their info updated as to the current 3abn officers, -- and btw, how idiotic is it that Pickle claims he doesn't know who the 3abn President is because of that?-- was reminded of his excuses about why he did not need to correct or amend his own bankruptcy filing claiming he was separated, and living apart from his wife ( even tho he signed those documents himself under the penalty of perjury.) He said his wife was angry that their marriage status was questioned and brought up by the person who brought up his filing on Adventtalk, and then he claimed he wasn't responsible and didn't do it, and that in any case that part wasn't relevant or important or the object, (or some such thing) and so he didn't need to correct or amend that false claim that was filed in his name and in his case, and signed by himself.

Anyway my first thought was "Hypocrite!" and then, and sadly, he apparently doesn't understand that he will be judged as he judges, and if he can not be merciful he will be given no mercy, and that we must first judge ourselves before we can even think to judge or attempt to help another, and that there are none so blind as those who refuse to see, and then Lord help me see my own self and what I am doing and saying as you do. That I think is one of the hardest things we are called to do, as some of the biggest lies are those we tell ourselves, and it seems so much easier to justify self rather than allowing Jesus to.

Be blessed, Steffan :)