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BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:28 pm America/Denver
by odie1962

Bob Pickle said

1 While I think bonnie should be free to give her viewpoint, I also think that she should not make wild accusations without proof or evidence.

Wild accusations?? [AFAIC] You are a very dishonest man ... Frankly what you think has no importance to me. If I ever get to that point I will be no different than you

2.For example, I believe she has made statements about my lack of involvement regarding her family's case, even though it happened in my conference. Problem is, did it? What was my conference at the time the incidents occurred? What was my conference when the case was originally filed? Did I even know about the case? Had I heard about it at all?

We asked many times why God did not spare our family . One thing that God spared us was having our paths cross during that time. You do not believe I was asking why you didn't help us. It is another of ... bob. We did not need your help or support, or involvement. We had one of the best attorney's we could have had. The same that turned down ... Bob.

I am not sure if there is any purpose to refreshing your mind here but it will make me feel better having done so.

What you are referring to ... Bob is when I stated to you that sexual misconduct within the denomination had been with us since EW. With you sniffing after sin like a male dog following a female why didn't you have an interest there?

Your clever little response was to demand when EW knew, give or take five years. You will play your childish evil games and your fan club at adventtalk respond

3.She has been too prone to attack anybody and everybody. Complimenting her from time to time doesn't seem to temper her antagonism.

.. disgusting. A compliment like that is vile for the very reason you give. You think by lying, smoozing, and kiss up to those that fawn at your words is somehow to be sought after. You give the word disgusting a whole new meaning

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!! and Daryl Fawcett

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:45 pm America/Denver
by odie1962
And here we have Daryl Fawcett

Daryl Fawcett wrote: I would like to go a step further by saying that nobody should make wild accusations without proof or evidence.
Tell me oh wise one, is this a new concept to you ? Why didn't you take that step before, when you were figuring out who owned adventtalk? You were acting as administrator were you not? Where was this pious thinking as gailon the avenger accused and called Gregory names,those christian names like turncoat ,kissing someone's ring etc. Hadn't you figured it out yet. Where were you when Edward attacked many, they made him sick, they were ignorant etc. Did you have a little qualm or two that maybe this wasn't the correct thing to be doing?

Funny, the clarity of your thinking now that you bear no responsibility is amazing. When did you realize you were actually owner,when you told the conference president you were not or when you relinguished owner ship? How do you do that with something you have denied owning? More fun tho isn't it. Now you can get right in there while the dirt is fresh without worrying about acting like a responsible forum??

Can't wait to see the factual information, can you, about a sordid story involving a young girl. Funny how factual makes all things acceptable. Is that something you have to know? What word did you utter in your new thinking about Crystal . Was it tell me more or did it cross your mind that what Crystal was doing was playing a game . Dragging it out, titilating all the people that would get "their satisfaction" second hand.

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:29 pm America/Denver
by odie1962
Bob wrote: At ... 101278.htm you can read the MN Supreme Court opinion on the Odenthal case. According to it, the incidents occurred from around 1997 to 1999. I wasn't in Minnesota at that time, have never been a conference employee here, and now live maybe 250 miles away from there. Folks across the line into Wisconsin live a lot closer than I do. It is unrealistic and wrong for bonnie to fault me for not being involved in her son's case.
... It is unrealistic to expect the truth out of you isn't it? We did have offers of help by SDA's that inhabit your swamp land . They were abruptly dismissed.

If you were as concerned over the offical denomination and some wrongs that definetly need to be addressed as you are with trying desperately to be someone important in 3ABN and it's downfall. You might be a little more believable

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:54 pm America/Denver
by odie1962
Daryl and others, I agree with you. It goes without saying that making accusatory statements without corroborating facts does nothing for one's cause except damage it.
Three cheers for grammie T.

Funny,I looked for your similar statment concerning Crystals posts and her lack of corroborating facts,funny I didn't see it.

Little more fun isn't it,get in there now and encourage and praise Crystal,you will certainly get something to whet your appetite even more. Isn't piousness so much fun, we can enjoy all things and not lose our place on the right hand of God.

GrammieT wrote: Bob, not knowing the extent nor time frame of Bonnie's family's trouble nor your time in that conference or your employment position there, I would have no way of knowing whether you should have stepped up to the plate in their defense or not except, perhaps, to support the proper ethics of the situation and that would not have needed your direct involvement in the incident itself.

God help us if Bob were the one to oversee and support ethical conduct. You are actually arrogant enough I think to believe your own tripe.

GrammieT wrote: But if you were in a position to render support of them and you did nothing to see that the wrongs done by that minister in his official capacity were righted insofar as your position could have helped, then I would have to agree that maybe she has a point. Sometimes, and please understand I am not accusing you of any such neglect per se, we all have a tendency to excuse ourselves from involvement in 'dicey' situations when just such help could have given the right support to the proper outcome. If I understand her situation at all, it seems that that minister should have been stripped of his credentials and taken out of circulation by the denomination in any capacity whatsoever and that was not done because of 'political expediency' of one kind or another. I'm sorry, but that is just wrong in my thinking.

Ahh come now,Bob likes dicey situations,the one place he thinks he can have some relevance, Just think of all the juicy little secrets the sin sniffer gets to know. Support from the likes of Bob or Gailon would have stretched the stress level to the breaking point.You are no different than most. Making comments and not knowing anything of what is needed.

My son's case is only relevant as in an example. This is something that goes on frequently. Yet it is dismissed. My son had a large family that supported him,many don't. Did you happen to read on adventtalk the topic, "We Suffered In Silence". Almost zero interest from the sin sniffers.

Bob would have loved to have been involved in something like that. Just think, he could have strutted his stuff like a little banty rooster,until he found himself in with the bigger ones.

Pickle's irrational once again

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:24 pm America/Denver
by steffan

Here's a little hint for your group of liars, embezzlers, stalkers....

When we say Lynette was accused of stalking, we produce documentary proof. When we say Gailon embezzled, we present documentary proof. On the other hand, all you have is allegations which you keep repeating and then, ironically, say "I hate having bogus allegations floating around." Are you even aware of the irony in that you have been one of the most active in floating these bogus allegations?

Were you aware that one of your "supporters" who is also a doctor sanctioned for unethical activities, is also busy selling marijuana on the side? Once again, documented proof is presented here:

Look for Dr. Westphal, yes the same unethical and sanctioned medical doctor...
(Dr. Louetta Westphal) 2010 Wilshire Blvd #710 Los Angeles (213) 353-6100

And further at
2010 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 710 Los Angeles, CA 90057 213-353-6100

Over on [NOT]Advent Pickle writes
Now if 3ABN or Westphal can disprove any of these allegations others gave to us, I think that would be wonderful. I hate having bogus allegations floating around. The problem is that 3ABN and Westphal had an excellent opportunity to disprove every one of these, and they instead chose to refuse to produce documents to the contrary for about a year now, and instead chose to dismiss the suit.

Thus, one would not be abnormal to conclude that these allegations are probably true, and that Shelton and all his cronies knew it.

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:29 am America/Denver
by Penny
Isn't medical marijuana legal in California?

More to the point for me would be why is she so bitterly opposed to 3ABN?

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:04 am America/Denver
by steffan
Yes it is. But should Adventist doctors advertise themselves as providers? Hmm, maybe she isn't Adventist at all...

She is an ex-wife with some bitter grudge against 3ABN for employing her ex-husband.

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:40 am America/Denver
by Penny
I hope that this site doesn't become a place to post the dirt from people's closets - despite the documentation. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Those of us who do not agree with what is being written/alleged and the like over at Atalk will do so regardless of what is posted about the personal lives of the posters over there.

Those who are supporters of Atalk and agreeable to slinging mud of every sort everywhere and hoping that if you sling long enough something will in by repeating allegations perhaps they can make them become true...for that group what ever may be said about any of them (stalker, marijuana peddler and the like) isn't going to make any difference to them either.

Also, for them to throw out an allegation and then say "prove it is not true" ... these are the types to ignore.

This is my 2 cents worth. The 3ABN administration and staff are busy spreading the good news ... Atalk is busy spreading gossip. These are not similar activities.

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:38 am America/Denver
by Daryl Fawcett

I agree with you that there is too much junk (for lack of a better word) being posted, which is precisely why, as time permits, I am going to review the 3ABN topics over at Maritime and remove from view any junk topics and/or posts I see there.

Re: BOB PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:39 am America/Denver
by Breezy
Steffan can post whatever he likes. It is the Administrator that decides if rules have been followed or not. Steffan has every right to his own opinion.

OTOH--I don't believe this forum is anything like AT, not even near!! But I believe people should have freedom to post as long as it doesn't break the rules of the forum. If Steffan wanted to post about some things Artiste is doing, why be critical of him for it? If it doesn't break the rules, then let it be.